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Frequent Urination Specialist

Advanced Urology of South Florida

Urologists located in Delray Beach, FL

If you’re experiencing urinary changes, such as more frequent urination, it’s important to seek medical attention, as this can sometimes signal an underlying problem. The experienced team at Advanced Urology of South Florida offer services to evaluate and treat issues that could be contributing to your frequent need to urinate. To find relief from your symptoms, call the office in Delray Beach, Florida, or book an appointment online today.

Frequent Urination Q & A

What is frequent urination?

There isn’t a specific number of times you should urinate in a single day, but the majority of people empty their bladder six or seven times in a 24-hour period. If your urinary habits are controlling your life, you may be experiencing frequent urination.

Frequent urination occurs when you have to urinate a lot — sometimes with an intense urgency — and it can be difficult to get to the bathroom in time. This condition can lead to anxiety when a bathroom isn’t close by and sometimes impacts your quality of life.

What causes frequent urination?

You can experience a frequent need to urinate for several reasons, including:

  • Consuming too much liquid
  • Drinking alcoholic or caffeinated beverages
  • Taking diuretics
  • Experiencing kidney or bladder stones
  • Having an enlarged prostate or infection
  • Suffering from cystitis or vaginal infections
  • Being pregnant or diabetic
  • Having an overactive bladder

In some cases, frequent urination is a sign of a more serious urinary condition, such as bladder cancer or damage to the urinary tract.

What other symptoms often accompany frequent urination?

While some people may urinate more often than others, additional symptoms that might indicate an underlying health condition include:

  • Increased thirst or appetite
  • Vomiting, fever, or chills
  • Urine with a strange smell or appearance
  • Hematuria, or blood in your urine
  • Vaginal or penile discharge
  • Pain in your sides or abdomen
  • Unexplained or sudden weight loss

You should also contact Advanced Urology of South Florida if your frequent urination is impacting your daily life.

How is frequent urination diagnosed and treated?

To identify the cause of your frequent need to urinate, your doctor at Advanced Urology of South Florida conducts a full physical examination, discusses your symptoms, and reviews your medical history.

Based on your symptoms, they might also recommend screenings, such as:

  • Urine sample analysis: to check for urine abnormalities
  • Imaging tests: like CT scans or X-rays to look for abnormalities
  • Cystoscopy: to evaluate the inside of your bladder for irregularities
  • Urodynamic tests: to assess how your bladder stores and releases urine

Your provider outlines a treatment strategy based on the cause of your frequent urination. For infections, they prescribe medications like antibiotics and pain relievers. If you have overactive bladder, they might recommend medications or bladder training exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

You don’t have to live with frequent urination — call Advanced Urology of South Florida or schedule an appointment online.